Sunday, 6 March 2011

how to setup your window pc for android flash program development and run helloworld application?

Hi Friends this my first blog so here may be some unsystematic arrangement, but i will try my best.
other hand I would like to give thanks to Deepak from him i got interest to write bolg.

Now i will tell you step by step who to set-up Flash CS-5 for Android and run Helloworld application on Android phone in between i will  tell you some of issue on vista to install .
i have been assuming you have already android skd on your pc.
If you have Adobe Flash CS-5 then fine otherwise you can buy or install 30 days trial version form Adobe site. click on "Flash Professional CS5" for all these you need to create one account on adobe while providing your valid mail id, after that you can download trial version for 30 days.
a) you will get two files first one "FlashPro_11_LS1.7z.part" and another "FlashPro_11_LS1.exe" keep these both files in same folder.
b) change the name of "FlashPro_11_LS1.7z.part" to "FlashPro_11_LS1.7z" by rename either by pressing F2 or right click->rename.
c) double click on "FlashPro_11_LS1.exe" file and you will get one popup as below image, you have to browse folder where you want to extract files, follow below image and click on next

it will extract all files in that browsed folder and install your CS5 on your pc.
download "AIR for Android Extension for Flash CS5" it is beta version and you can find from this urls, here you have to give adobe login and password you can also use direct unofficial link to download

after downloading it you will get "flashpro_extensionforair_p2_112210.zxp" file there up on either double click on "flashpro_extensionforair_p2_112210.zxp" file it will directly add plug-in  in your CS5 or you can install it from CS5 "Help->Manage Extension->install" and point path of your file "flashpro_extensionforair_p2_112210.zxp"

Note: for vista user can get error like "you don't have permission to install application...." while you will inter form Administration account. to resolve it use cmd.exe in admistration mode while to right click on it follow below pic.  and in cmd you have to give path of file and run it or directly right click on "flashpro_extensionforair_p2_112210.zxp" and select in Administration mode

That will install Android plug-in in your flash professional cs5.

Now you set-up is ready to use,in below steps I will pave to make helloworld application and run on  android phone
step 1:
open Adobe flash professional  cs5 either form program menu or on clicking on installed icon. you will get below screen there you will find new plg-in  "AIR for Android" click on that, you will get new window for project.
Note now many ways is here i will tell you one simple way.
in new window you have to select android 480*800 follow below screen and click on Ok.

setp 2:
go "File->save" and give path of your project folder.
now you have white board of size 480*800 do what ever you can do in flash, for simplicity click  on text tool and write your name. then click on "Free transfer tool(Q)" then property follow below screen

step 3:
click on "Edit" of AIR android setting, you will get below screen

-- click on "Deployment tab" generate certificate if you don't have created early provide password.
-- check both check box in After publishing box
--click on "General tab" you will see out put file as .apk.

-- Now finally , click on "publish" button keep in mind your Android phone is connected in your pc & has attach with DDMS.
-- checkout your phone you will get application installed in your phone with text what ever you have written.

Cheers ....           enjoy....

Thanks for time
Imran ali


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